Step by Step Organization NGO
Step by Step Organization is a NGO registered in Tanzania. NGO stands for “Non-Government Organisation”. This characterizes a private organization that represents social interests but is not subordinate to the state or the government.
But why an NGO in Tanzania?
During the numerous trips to Tanzania the two visited a large number of projects, some very good, and others more problematic. The two came to the conclusion that sustainable development is the only possible and meaningful solution from within Tanzania itself. Too many foreign organisations are either only short-term oriented, dependent on foreign individuals, burdened with far too much bureaucracy and internal costs or are not recognised and really wanted in the country. In order for such a development to take place from within, support is needed here and there, and we want to help people to help themselves.
However, in the long term, the Step by Step organisation should function completely independently and be financially self-sufficient, whilst taking care of the needs of the Orphans. We try to contribute to this with sensible, long-term investments that should enable financial self-preservation in the future. The purchase and development of the Farm, which would ordinarily not be necessary for an Orphanage is the core of our strategy, but also investments in Partner-Projects or local, meaningful ventures should help to achieve this goal. It was also clear to us from the very beginning that we needed a Tanzanian organisation, in addition to the commitment of many Tanzanians.
Who is on the Board of the NGO?
Jamila Taj Schmid, Tanzania
Marcel Mlacha, Tanzania
Ephraim Mlacha, Tanzania
Hanno Breitfuss, Austria
Udo Neyer, Austria
Marcel Mlacha – our man on location, in whom we place our trust.
Many years ago Marcel volunteered in our orphanage in Moshi as a young man and proved to be a very committed member of the Tanzanian community, who was also interested in the development of the country. Despite having outstanding education results, the cost of a university education was too high and rendered his dream of tertiary study impossible. We then decided to privately finance his entire bachelor and master studies from 2011 onwards, which he was able to complete very successfully in 2016.
Throughout his studies, and especially after his graduation, Marcel was incredibly helpful in all the ventures and plans we pursued in Tanzania. After all of this, and together with him we founded an NGO in Tanzania and Marcel was director from the very beginning. In this role, Marcel has always managed the entire organisation on site, purely voluntarily and without remuneration, and has taken on an infinite number of tasks and administrative procedures. Thus we could finally achieve the registration as anapproved Orphanage with his help.
Since January 2020, Marcel has been working as a volunteer director as well as Farm Manager employed by SBS with local pay and is very successful in developing SBS’s properties to provide food for the entire Projectbut also for the sale and thus for the financing of the Projects to produce.
Ephraim Mlacha
Ephraim Mlacha is the father of Marcel, whom we got to know as a very respectful and honourable man, he managed to give all his children a good education and schooling under very simple and difficult circumstances as a farmer.
Jamila Schmid
Jamila Schmid is a very special and powerful woman from Morogoro. In addition to running a very successful and large farm, she is the mayor of a community next to Morogoro. She has often been of great help to us with her relationships, her commitment, and especially in dealing with authorities and offices. We are very happy that she has agreed to work voluntarily on the board of our NGO from 2020.